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About Us


SEEDS Literary & Visual Arts Journal is a student-run, community-focused organization that values access to and innovative approaches to learning and scholarship. We publish poetry, prose, fiction/non-fiction, hybrid work, research, essay and visual art. If your work or a representation of your work can be printed on a page, we encourage you to submit!

At SEEDS, we aspire to reflect the remarkable community of writers living throughout the greater Chicago area. Our goal is to lift the voices of not only the Northeastern community but also those we live and work among. Our submissions are open to all, within and outside of any formal institution.

We believe in the collective power of collaboration and aspire to provide a platform free of elitism and hierarchy. To that end, our journal adheres to Northeastern’s policies on creating safe spaces for expression and scholarship. We are committed to fostering an environment that is anti-racist, anti-heterosexist, anti-transphobic, anti-Islamophobic, anti-ageist, anti-sexist, anti-ableist and anti-imperialist. Submissions that violate this policy will not be accepted.

If you’re interested in becoming part of the SEEDS team, please complete the NEIU Student Media Interest Form, or email seeds.neiujournal@gmail.com.

If you’re interested in submitting to SEEDS, please read and carefully follow our submission guidelines below. Help us spread the word! We are so excited to read your work.

If accepted for publication, SEEDS Literary & Visual Arts Journal reserves the right to publish your work in print and in digital form in perpetuity. SEEDS acquires first rights, which means that we do not publish previously published work. Work shared informally on personal websites or blogs and has gone through revision will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All rights revert to the artist upon publication and pieces may be reprinted. However, we request SEEDS is acknowledged in subsequent publications.


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